Veils and variations : for horn and orchestra / William Kraft. 1988.


Veils and variations : for horn and orchestra / William Kraft. 1988.

1 ms. score (72 p.), bound ; 49 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7267403

New York Public Library System, NYPL

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Kraft, William F., 1938- (person)

Kraft was born on Sept. 6, 1923, in Chicago, IL; BS (1951) and MA (1954) in composition, Columbia Univ.; percussionist, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (LAPO), 1955-81; became the music director of the LA Percussion Ensemble and Chamber Players in 1955; became director of LAPO New Music Group in 1981; composer-in-residence, LAPO, 1981-85; recipient of Guggenheim fellowships (1967 & 1972), NEA grants (1975, 1977, 1979), and an award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Lette...